Before I forget the entire month of November...I did take a few pictures so here goes!

Berneheim was 75 degrees outside just a few short weeks ago! Today it is 25. So sad.

So we went hiking and enjoyed the last of the warm weather for awhile.

A couple weeks later, we had to bundle up for hiking at Jeff. Memorial Forest. And I had to hold Sadie back from wanting to take a swim. Just a tad bit too cold! Oh how I miss summer!

Thanksgiving we went to Ohio for a long always it was so good to be able to spend a lot of time catching up with Nate's family.

This is what the boys did...

And here are the girls...I'll leave that open to interpretation:)

Sitting down to dinner, minus Joe who was the photographer. Nate's mom cooked the best dinner EVER!

Last week, we headed to the waterfront to pick out a Christmas tree. I don't think it's necessary to go into explanations about how much I love Christmas. I did that last year. Let's just say that I do think it is the most wonderful time of the year! Nate finally let me put on the Christmas music and decorate the house last weekend.

He did most of the work setting up the tree...

Sadie did her part...

All finished!

Later that night we headed to "Light up Bardstown Road"...basically where all the shops and restaurants stay open late, they have Christmas carolers, free cider and hot chocolate, and we even saw some bagpipers heading down the road playing Christmas tunes.

A perfect way to end the evening!
In other news, I had my 15 week doctor's appointment yesterday. It is crazy to me how little they do at these check-ups but I did get to hear the heartbeat again which is always fun. Now I am just dying to know the sex but we still have a bit before that. I'm officially into the second trimester though and am definitely feeling less tired and not sick at all. And I'm still waiting for the baby "belly" to pop out so that I can actually feel (or at least look) pregnant already! I'm sure I'll be eating those words weeks from now but this is all still new to me. I am so grateful to all my friends who have gone through pregnancy already and have answered my hundreds of questions:) I'm kind of an over-analyzer about these things!