Andrew officially turned 6 months old the day after Thanksgiving, which I cannot believe. In many ways it feels like it's been 6 months since we brought him home and in other ways it's gone by so fast. Either way, there are many surprising aspects about being a parent. Since I don't have an official "baby book" for Drew, this blog will have to suffice and someday I'll get it all printed up and put into a nice book format. That being said, I want to record some of my thoughts here before I forget them.
Probably the most surprising aspect of being a parent is how much Nate and I love it. Doesn't that sound mean...that we are
surprised by how much we enjoy it? In complete honesty, I was scared to death to become a mom! I don't always do well with life changes (or at least the anticipation of them) and having a baby is right up there with major life-changing events. Over the 9+ months of pregnancy, I worried a lot about completely pointless stuff, most of it selfish (just being honest here). For 6 years, Nate and I had been married and our lives were ours. We slept in on Saturdays, ate out when we wanted, hung out with friends, traveled, hiked, etc. Was having a baby going to change all this "independence" we enjoyed? Of course! But come one...people have been having kids for a gazillion years and of course I was worrying about silly little things.
For example, I do not function well unless I get 8 hours of sleep (I'm high maintenance in the sleep department) and we all know that the number one issue with a newborn is that no one sleeps! Then there was the issue of work. To work or not to work? Part time or full time? Daycare or in home childcare? Yikes! I made the decision to stay at home and thankfully, my school lets me work one day a week. But once again...another major life change! I'd taught high school for 6 years and, contrary to the impression many teachers give, I really loved my job and my students. It was not easy to leave that job and I had numerous "meltdowns" over the decision to do so.
And while we're being honest, moving from two salaries to one is no walk in the park either. We've had to budget like crazy and I might need a 12 step program to break my addiction to coupon websites! But in the morning, when I go get our little guy out of his crib, he smiles at me so sweetly and all of the angst I felt over the job issue just disappears. How could I leave that little face every day? (FYI: I am in NO way implying that my working-mom friends didn't make a good decision...people should do what works for them and this was just mine and Nate's decision. Seriously, hats off to the working mothers out there because I know it is so hard to balance your time and energy with a job and family too.)
All of this to say, being a parent is now on the top of my list of amazing experiences. Nate and I have had so much fun with Andrew in so many ways. There's just no way to describe the love you have for your child...I can't put it into words. All of those fears I had during pregnancy have dissipated and now been replaced with fears not so much related to
me but to Drew...the typical concerns all parents have of course. But if anything, being a mom has drawn the focus away from me and my petty, selfishness and directed it towards Drew and has also revealed to me a deeper understanding of the love of God as a Father.
Don't get me wrong; there have certainly been some sleepless nights as well as monotonous days when it feels like all I do is change diapers, clean up messes and do laundry. Nate and I have to plan ahead if we want to go out together and have had to change many aspects about our formerly free-spirited weekends and evenings, but I wouldn't trade any of it. Life has definitely changed in many ways but they are good changes. As I said before, it is surprising how much Nate and I love being parents and don't mind giving up some of those things; cliche as it may sound, we have gained so much more.
And now, for the six month stats:
- Weight: 16.5 pounds
- Height: 27 inches
- Milestones: sitting up mostly unassisted (but still working on balance), rolling all over the place like a little rolling pin, saying "mama" and other babbling sounds, waving hello when he's in the mood:)
- Eating: He has started on solids and now eats rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, and pears each day at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've made his baby food which was actually so simple and we'll probably start green vegetables this week.
- Sleeping: Still sleeping from 7:30-7:30 for the most part and taking a 90 minute morning nap and a 90 minute afternoon nap.
- Loves: being outside, riding in the Baby Bjorn/baby carrier where he can check out the world, even if it is just a trip to the grocery store, baths, music of any kind, watching Nate do ANYTHING, trying to pet Sadie, chewing on anything he can find which reminds me that I need to do some serious baby-proofing of our house!
- His little personality is really emerging and it is so much fun!

The token "baby food all over the face" photo