I don't know where the month of June went! We've been busy with quite a few changes heading our way, the most obvious one being our baby girl who could be born anytime in the next week (I'm hoping!). And while I play the waiting game, I'm trying to soak up all the time I can with Andrew just doing fun summer things:
At the zoo...you couldn't tell because there are no animals in this picture but this "safari" bus is his absolute favorite thing! He insists on getting behind the wheel whenever we go! |
Looking at the elephants with Nate |
We met Nate's family at General Butler State park for breakfast...he loved eating breakfast with Omi. I didn't get a picture of Diddy or even me or Nate here unfortunately! |
And Opaw pushing him on the swing |
37 week picture of my ever-expanding belly...anytime now! The girl at Home Depot today told me I looked like I was about to "pop open" which, if you think about it is not only a little insulting but gross too! Don't people know what not to say to a pregnant girl? Sheesh! |
At the splash park |
And sharing a snack with Charlotte after getting all wet at the splash park...these 2 are buddies! |
So I've been trying to prepare for this baby's arrival but the fact is, we have no nursery for her....yet. That's will change in the next few months...we are finally, after 4 years of planning and saving up, doing an addition on our house! So the timing could've been a tiny bit earlier but that's the way things work with construction I guess. We like to keep it crazy around here!
So since she has no room of her own, she'll sleep in Nate's and my room until construction is complete (probably in August it will be done). Our house is currently just 2 bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, so the addition will add a master suite for Nate and me upstairs with a family room and a porch underneath on the first floor. Construction started a week and a half ago and already is moving along well. It's a little crazy to have 5 trucks and 10 construction crew men in your backyard (and sometimes your house) but I think we'll survive;) Andrew is enamored with all the activity and construction equipment and has miraculously slept during his naps through the sound of jackhammers, nail guns, and hammering. It is LOUD around here about 7 hours of the day....we've had to move furniture around, clean out our closets because our former closet will be the new "hallway" into the master bedroom. This means we have our clothes in storage bins in our room, along with about 50 other boxes. Add a pack n play to the mix and my super-organized self is having to just go with the flow! All those nesting instincts to organize and clean have had to go out the window for a few more months. Here are some pictures of the progress:
Let's start with the "before" picture...We had grass, a garden and a nice porch:)
Then Tom and Nate demolished the porch (as always, Tom was so helpful! We are thankful for friends willing to lend a hand...our friend Steven came up to help as well but I didn't get a picture) |
Porch is gone! |
And an excavator/digger showed up in our yard to dig the footers for the foundation. I'm learning a lot about construction through this process! |
Foundation is done |
And here is where we are today...they've framed in both floors. On the top floor will be our master bedroom, bathroom and a real closet! Underneath is the family room and the empty "space" will be a screened in porch to be completed by my dad and Nate. We've lost our backyard completely but I'm so excited to see how this all turns out! |