This is the hallway with the gorgeous wallpaper on it...obviously very fun to remove! And who couldn't love the orangish carpet that smelled like cats? Luckily there was some awesome hardwood in pretty good shape under there (and 300 plus staples I pulled out with pliers...back pain anyone?)

Steph, Megan and Jill helped me out...thanks girls!

Jill discovered that the wallpaper was indeed on the ceiling as well...Who wallpapers a ceiling I ask you??!!??

Here is the living room (very dark picture) when it was McDonald's golden arch yellow. This room really just needed a fresh coat of paint.

After the brown paint has gone on...what a mess our house is!
If you know how I am about disorganization and messes then you know that renovation is a lesson in patience for me. It's nice to look at all the rooms now and think, "We actually did that!" but it was often frustrating as we went along. Luckily, Nate can pretty much fix anything or build anything and if he can't my dad can! I'll post some before/afters of the upstairs bedrooms/bathroom (which are now FINALLY completed) sometime soon. Most of the pictures on this post were taken 4-5 weeks ago so a lot has been completed since then, which I will post when the final stuff is done (pictures on walls, furniture in , etc.)
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