I haven't posted in over a month (not that anyone's missing it exactly...) however, I may look back on 2009 and wonder what we were doing during January and February. Mostly surviving the winter! Thank goodness there are signs of spring outside now. So since I don't have any crazy stories (or pictures...I've been bad about that lately!) to post, I think I'll just write about Nate. I have a lot to brag about with him, and since I don't think he ever reads this blog, I will take this opportunity to do so! First, have I ever mentioned how hard of a worker he is? Nate currently balances a full schedule of graduate classes and two jobs, one at the Center for Hazards Research at UofL and the other as the director of sustainability at Boone Gardiner Landscaping. The first job...I'm not sure exactly what he does all day because it is beyond my realm of understanding: research and feasibility studies and lots of graphs that this English teacher doesn't get, but he loves it so that's all that matters. If you didn't know, Nate will graduate this summer with his Masters degree in Urban planning which is perfect for him. Now I went to college with Nate of course and we even managed to take a few classes together and I can say that hiking usually came before school (not in a completely irresponsible way of course, just in a "nate" way...if you know Nate then you know what I mean). But these past few years in grad school have allowed me to see a whole new side of Nate; he is so devoted to doing his best and he really cares about what he is learning. I love that he's finally found something he wants to do, mostly because it genuinely makes him happy. Plus, he's gotten all A's in all of his classes! Without sounding like a mom, I am proud of him! Then there's his job at Boone Gardiner where he works with sustainable landscaping projects and design. Check out the blog he contributes to (and it has some good info on it as well):
http://boonegardiner.wordpress.com/ In other words, Nate is hard working and devoted to what he does and that is just one more reason why I love him!

On top of all that busyness, he found the time this weekend to start renovating our basement. Aren't the dark socks a nice touch to this look? Nate probably will hate this picture, but it documents another area he is so talented in: construction/renovation/making something out of nothing! I don't know how, but there isn't a tool in the world he doesn't know how to use (or figure out) and I am one lucky girl to have such a talented husband.

Finally, this picture sums up the last two months...hibernating by the fire! I took this last night after we got back from a LONG run in training for the mini marathon in April...I was not in the mood to run very far but Nate apparently was and I made an internal decision to just go with the distance he felt compelled to go...8.5 miles later my legs were numb and I was floating along literally: the runner's high I guess! I know that might not seem like a lot to some people but getting me out in the cold for that long is quite a feat! So in conclusion, if anyone is still reading, this post is just a reflection of how much I love and appreciate my husband! He challenges me, impresses me with his mad construction skills and knowledge of all things outdoors, is my best friend in every way and loves me much more than I deserve:)
1 comment:
I did miss your blogging.
And how come you didn't invite me to run in the marathon this spring?
And I love opportunities to brag about husbands. I need to do this more often--I have a great one too.
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