Monday, June 15, 2009
Weekend in Ohio
Warning: I took lots of pictures this weekend. Shocker, I know...I can be quite annoying with the camera. Everyone knows this and they pleasantly smile or at least pretend not to care while I flash away. I tell them that some day they'll love that they have a picture of so-and-so doing such-and-such...right? I have a problem but at least I've accepted it....and Nate has too or so it seems as he posed in all sorts of our random pictures like the one below:
Who doesn't want a picture of themselves with a golden reindeer? I can offer no real explanation either...
We headed up to Ohio to see Nate's family this weekend...we Moulders cram a lot into our time. First, we went to Medina, (cute little small town) to walk around/shop. Nate almost went into this gift shop pictured above but as we were going in, a lady walked out, took one look at him and said, "Trust DON"T want to go in's no place for a man." Sure enough, there were more pink and white nick-knacks and teapots than any man could tolerate.
That night we went to Kelsey and Joe's house to do a little Wii...
And a little archery (no joke...Joe is quite the talented hunter with his bow...and whether Kelsey likes it or not, there is always a plentiful supply of deer meat at their house!). Joe was a patient teacher...
...and thank goodness the target wasn't TOO far away:)
Kelsy and Lars taking it all in...
And then there's the Hartville Flea Market on a Saturday morning. Words won't do so the pictures will have to do the talking. You can find almost anything you could want (or not want) at this place. I contemplated the goldern rooster lamp for a bit but decided it didn't fit the decor of our living room. (Please tell me you know I'm kidding)
Diabetic socks anyone? Made right here in the USA! I do mean ANYTHING you could want is at this flea market..
I should tell my single friends that it's a nice place to meet men. Okay...that was mean. But come on...this guy brought it on himself when he forgot his shirt that morning! Disclaimer: Nate took this one oh-so-discretely. There were others similar in nature but I'll spare you!
That evening we headed to the Irish Festival in Cuyahoga Falls...DeeDee and I listening to the bagpipe-rock-band concert. Interesting combination...a little Bravheart, a little U2...
...and we even found time to sing happy birthday to Kelsey on her 24th!
But one of the main reasons we came up this weekend was to celebrate the fact that Nate's dad and Jim (associate minister) have both been ministers at Lakeview for 20 years, and their church members honored them with a brunch. It was quite the celebration with over 100 people there, a video with interviews of church members and lots of speeches/thank-you's.
Kelsey and Joe at the brunch
Nate's dad was making the rounds but I snagged a picture of him with Nate
Joe and his niece cute!
While we were getting everyone together for a formal picture, Nate decided he needed to test out the stone fireplace with a little rock climbing.
One good picture of everyone...Joe and Kelsey, Nate's grandma, Darryl & DeeDee and us!
And we even had time for cornhole that night. The weather in Ohio was humidity! Quite unlike the Kentucky showers we came home to today:(
Aren't they cute? If anyone's made it this far, I'm impressed. I hope someday I can look back on this blogging thing and feel like I've really captured the good times. And I might add that more good times should be coming our way since school's out for the summer! (can't you hear the Alice Cooper song now...last year my school played it on the loudspeaker on the last day of class and I about died laughing). Everyone always asks me what I do all summer....not to worry... I have plenty of projects at our house and a to-do list a mile long. Plus, we might have a few trips planned here and there since we can never stay put for long. of best things about teaching!
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Glad to see that your summer is getting off to a fun start! I should have known you'd be up to something exciting and productive! Updating my blog is on my agenda for this week...things just haven't gotten very exciting around here yet! Enjoy the time off...wish one of your trips was bringing out out west!
I finally got to a computer to get an update on the blog world! You people are always having fun adventures out of town! Call me this week and we'll go to the pool. But only if you leave your camera in the car!
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