Here's some pictures of what we've been doing these last few weeks of summer...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August in pictures...
It feels like summer flew by so fast and it is sadly over:( I have been back at school since last week and it feels like I was just there except I have a whole new crop of kids. We are a bit over-crowded this year and I have 2 classes of 39! Help. Anyone. Please...
Here's some pictures of what we've been doing these last few weeks of summer...
Russ and Jess stopped by on their way home to Grundy, VA for a visit and we went to Java Brewing company to get coffee.
Russ and Nate love it when I take their photo!
My friend Annie had her baby girl Hannah cute! Annie and I teach right next to each other and I have no idea what I'm going to do without her this semester while she's on maternity leave!
Mary stopped by my house on her way from Indianapolis to go to our 10-year high school reunion...I was NOT planning on going but she and my friend Jessica convinced me, so I went at the last minute and it was so much fun! People really haven't changed that much which makes me feel not QUITE as old. I've known most of those people since first grade which is crazy to think about. It surely does not feel like it's been a decade since we graduated!
This past week, we headed down to the Waterfront for the best concert combination ever...Felice Brothers, Gillian Welch, David Rawlings, Justin Townes Earle and Old Crow Medicine Show.
Katie, Aaron, Nate, Steven and Lindsey joined us of course...we all share a love for their music!
The weather couldn't have been better either, which was good since we were outside. Such a fun night!
I only got one picture, but my dad's birthday was last weekend and we grilled out at our house. Since I bragged on my mom in her birthday post, I know I could go on and on about my dad too...Let me just say that he is the most giving and self-sacrificing person I know! There is nothing my dad wouldn't do for any of us growing up whether that was fixing my car, helping me with taxes or finances (being the accountant that he is of course), teaming up with Nate on some huge home-renovation project, letting me borrow his car if mine is having issues (he still does this...last Christmas we were headed out to Ohio and having major car issues so he just handed over the keys!), or pretty much any favor anyone could ever need. Most importantly, growing up, he was definitely an example of what a husband and father should be. I never ONCE saw my dad and mom fight, but instead always saw him serving her in any way that he could...I mistakenly grew up thinking that all men/husbands/dads were like this! They aren't and he is a rare find! I have him to thank for giving me high standards to shoot for with guys (which Nate has of course fulfilled:) and also for being a stable, loving father who always provided for us financially of course, but also was involved in our lives too. He's such a great example!
Moving on...Gina turned 30 so the girls went to Avalon to celebrate. They brought out her amazingly delectable birthday treat which we all devoured right away!
Katie, me and Gina at dinner...
And Katie and Tori too
Yes, I took a picture of our garden vegetables! This is about one tenth of what the garden has put out this summer and is just one more reason to motivate me to continue planting next year. I think most of the work comes not just from planting but from the canning, freezing, and preserving of them. It's a lot of work but will be SO worth it when we have plenty of fruits and vegetables to eat this winter (and the grocery bill hasn't been too bad either...)
Green beans fresh from the garden are the best!
And lastly...Nate starts his first official job as a graduate tomorrow as a community planner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I took this picture last month before he headed out to this job interview...I'm sure that look on his face is trying to tell me that he does NOT want his picture taken right before such an important thing but I'm glad I documented (plus it could be years before I see that face without a beard again...) He is officially a graduate of U 0f L now with his Masters in Urban Planning. He has worked so hard, stayed up so many late nights studying, typed too many papers to count, and balanced all that while working at his assistantship, internship, and another job! I am worn out just thinking about how busy this past year was for him, but it was definitely worth it and I am so proud of him!
Here's some pictures of what we've been doing these last few weeks of summer...
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