Friday, November 13, 2009

A little announcement...

So as it turns out...We're pregnant! And definitely couldn't be more excited! Since most of our friends and all of our family knows, I think I'm safe to start a sort of "documentation" of this whole pregnancy process. Most people will likely not care about all these details, but I am afraid if I don't write down some of these things then I will soon forget them!
And sadly I don't have a cute little ultrasound picture to share! I do have one from about 6 weeks ago but let's face it--those first few weeks it just looks like a little blob anyway! A cute blob, but not too much to look at! My doctor said the next time she'll be doing an ultrasound is around December, when I'm about 20 weeks or so and can definitely determine the sex. I really don't want to wait THAT long but at least we DO get to hear the heartbeat at each check-up. Monday was the first time for that and my doctor told me that I'm in the clear for telling people. It was definitely a beautiful sound! Plus, it was so hard to keep a secret for that long! So here's some of the details:
  • I'm in my twelfth week
  • Due date is June 5th
  • I have only felt sick during weeks 7 and 8 (Praise God!). I mean, it was pretty rough going those few weeks...I have a new found appreciation for my pregnant friends who deal with that for the entire first trimester and beyond! I can't imagine...I have nothing to complain about compared to them!
  • The only other symptoms were EXTREME exhaustion during those first few weeks. I think I might have scared Nate with my ability to nap like it was my job! I'd come home from work, take a 2-hour nap on the couch and still head up to bed at 9:00! Thank goodness that's over with because I was worthless to get anything done, which brings me to my next point...
  • Nate has been SO great to me during this (and I really can' complain because as I said, I haven't been THAT sick or anything). But he would make sure all the dishes were done, dog fed, laundry, etc. All that stuff that needs to be done, he would just let me rest:) And he'd deal with my weird food turn-offs and cravings...
  • Cravings so far: well, this is different every day! I would word it this way: I could think of things that I definitely did NOT want to eat but rarely anything I wanted to. A lot of things, just at the mention of the word made me feel sick. But usually I could think of at least ONE thing that I wanted. But it's so unpredictable! This week I'm all about fruit, especially strawberries and apples. I mean, who knows how these things work...The other week, it was pizza, one week ice cream, and the week before anything spicy and Mexican. So one day I'll think I will DIE if I don't get pizza at that moment and then the next day I'm like "Don't even TALK about pizza!" It's very weird really. Luckily I have a husband who is not picky so he just goes with it! And I would like to add that I have only made him run out to the store on ONE occasion to pick up ice cream because I HAD to have a milkshake at that very moment!
  • Other than the weird food issues/exhaustion, nothing feels too different. I mean, I know people start "showing" at different stages but I've been worried until we heard that heartbeat last week because in this first stage you just don't "feel" pregnant and I'm not showing yet. I'm the kind of person who needs a visual or proof or something...I'm weird like that! But all of my previously pregnant friends have re-assured me that it is normal to feel that way and now that I heard that little heartbeat I feel a lot better.
  • So there's the details for this first trimester. I'm ready for this so-called energy surge that accompanies the second trimester! I've been trying to keep up with my running throughout and let's just say that 3 or 4 miles feels like a marathon. In fact, I came back from running the other day and told Nate that I had, indeed, completed one. I think he's ready for the second trimester too so my ridiculousness stops!


KARRIE said...

Oh Al, I'm so happy for you guys. You will be a beautiful preggo and your baby, wow... talk about a great looking kid. Congratulations to you both as you begin this incredible, life-changing journey!

Annie Brainard said...

Woohoo! I'm so excited to hear all about it all the way through!

I never got an energy surge in the second trimester, but I don't think I was exhausted anymore either. Or maybe I was... I definitely wasn't full of energy. But it was also winter during my second trimester, and I always feel sleepy and lack energy during winter.

Post often!

Jackie said...

ALISON!!! Congratulations!!! That is SO exciting!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I am so glad I decided to check your blog on a whim. Love you!

Justin, Cassie, and our little dudes said...

Congratulations, Alison!!! I am so excited for you guys! Please keep us all updated with how things are going on your blog...I can't wait to follow along :). YAY...I'm so excited!

Casey said...

Alison, I am so glad you'll be posting details of this journey on your blog! I'll be checking in regularly, and you know not to hesitate to ask questions! love you THREE!!

The Herrings said...

Congratulations! I just found your blog and read the news. Pregnancy is a wild ride, isn't it?!



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