I can't believe how fast the spring has flown by! It seems like yesterday I was DYING for some warm weather and then it came on so suddenly...we've had 80 degree temperatures and everything in our yard has bloomed so quickly in the last few weeks. Such a beautiful time of the year! For Easter, my mom was out of town taking care of her parents in Florida so we had a random group over...Jeremy and Casey were in town that weekend visiting and my sister and dad came over to grill out. Very low key and nice!

Laura and I soaking up the sun on Easter.

Saturday night the 4 of us walked up to the Irish Rover to eat and Casey and I got a picture under the weeping cherry blossom...one of my favorite trees in the spring!

Nate and Jeremy outside the Irish Rover where we ate...it was such a perfect night weather-wise that we ate outside on the patio. I love nights like that!

This past weekend we went to Ohio for a baby shower thrown by Nate's mom and sister and their friends. What a nice shower! We were so overwhelmed with how kind and generous people were. It was held at Lakeview, the church where Nate's dad has been a minister for about 20 years so a lot of these women have watched Nate and his sister grow up. Even though it's been quite a few years since Nate even lived in Ohio, every time we go back to visit, they treat us like one of their own!

Here is a shot of everyone eating lunch...quite the crowd!

Nate's mom thought of every detail! She decorated the tables with receiving blankets and baby books. Also, because I framed a few Audubon bird prints for Andrew's room (I'm not too into room decorating themes, but they looked so simple and natural that I loved them) she created the "outdoorsy" theme for the shower. She knows Nate and me so well!

The adorable cake...check out the little baby in the leaves at the top made of fondant icing!

Me and Nate's grandma who is pretty much like a grandma to me too since I've known her since the first few months Nate and I started dating!

Kelsey, Nate's grandma, Nate's aunt, me and Nate eating...I do have to say, Nate was a trooper for hanging out at the shower (since I didn't know all of the ladies at his church)....

He even helped with the gift-opening process:) I think we are set after this weekend as far as baby items go...we got most everything we need and then some!

By far my favorite gift though was this quilt Nate's mom made for Drew...click on the picture to make it larger. It is the exact colors of the room (blue, green and earthy tones) and just perfect! She is so talented...we were secretly hoping she would make one of these!

After the shower, Nate and Kelsey felt the need to emphasize the baby bump which is growing, that's for sure!

Would you believe Nate's grandma made a blanket too! He has some talented women in his family!

Me, Dee Dee and Kelsey

And before I wrap up this endlessly long post, I wanted to show another gift that we LOVE...our friends Katie and Aaron were TOO generous and got us a jogging stroller! They know that we like to run and got us the nicest stroller that really can be used for everything since it's got a place to attach a car seat, it folds up small and is pretty much exactly what we needed! Of course I begged Nate to put it together right away for me!

Now I guess all we need is the baby to put inside...

...and there he is, all 33 weeks of him! I seriously can't believe that we only have about 7 more weeks to go. Single digits!!! Ahhh! But each day we get more and more excited to meet him. I'm not going to lie...this third trimester wears on you! I feel tired again and the little guy has started pressing up on my lungs and stomach so I get out of breath easily and eating a big meal is just out otherwise I pay for it! But he's been kicking and moving so much lately. I went to my 33 week checkup yesterday and my doctor helped "identify" what each bump was so now I can kind of tell his head versus his back or behind. It's kind of crazy! Also, I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions lately...which I've been told is normal at this point but it still stops me in the middle of something (like standing in front of my students talking...those are always the moments when I say, "______, why don't you explain that point!" why I breathe deeply and try to divert attention away from me!)
So even though I'm anxious to meet him, we still have so much to do...like get his room ready which I'm hoping to do by the end of the month...we sort of have our computer/office furniture/guest bed in there now but all that will be moved to the basement once it's finished...and find a pediatrician, and attend a few of those childbirth/hospital tour/infant CPR classes, and figure out this whole parenting thing...but I guess that last one can't be done in a few short weeks:) Either way, this will be an eventful year for us, that's for sure!
1 comment:
Yay! You're so tiny!!! At 33 weeks I was triple your size:).
I can't wait to see your sweet bump and more importantly to kiss sweet Drew!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!
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