Andrew Carter Moulder!

And of course I've posted way too many pictures of him and all the people he's met these last few days.

Before I forget, I want to recap his birth story (don't worry...no crazy details) which started Tuesday morning when I was scheduled for a c-section because he was breech. My doctor (who is awesome by the way) said we could try a version first, which is where she was going to try to turn him by just pushing on my stomach. But it's not likely to always work so I wasn't expecting much but after about 5 minutes he was completely turned around (and I'm not going to lie...that was some serious pain there for a few minutes...maybe even worse than contractions but worth it!)

Then they started me on pitocin to induce labor at around 2pm, which took ALL afternoon, evening and night. I was very impatient of course:) Sitting in a hospital bed is boring! But my family and Nate's family were in and out visiting and I was actually talking on the phone, mostly to my friends who had been induced before, asking if the horrible clenching of my abdomen and back is what contractions feel like (yes) and watching said contractions on the monitor just for the torture of it I guess! I finally got an epidural around 9pm so I could sleep a bit and they gave me a button to push for when it wore off or if I decided not to keep it coming. I really liked that because by about 5 or 6 am it had definitely worn off but I wanted to "with it" and all for the birth part so I just let it be. I'm so glad I did because I was
definitely aware of the whole birth (in a good way)! Finally, at 8:16 he was born!

This is him just after he was born...I think a nurse too this one because I have no memory of snapping this photo!

Next, all the proud grandparents came in...I love this picture because it says everything!

Nate and his dad

Drew had so many visitors...Steven came from Lexington (well, he took a detour on his way home from a trip to Elizabethtown...a very long detour:)

Tom and Paul stopped by for a bit

And so did Katie and Aaron

Getting home from the hospital

Uncle Joe and Aunt Kelsey came into town Friday night and got to meet him too

Sleeping with his little hands up by his face...so sweet!

Nate's parents came and stayed with us through Sunday morning and were SO incredibly helpful! When we got home from the hospital, DeeDee had stocked the fridge, made a ton of food and even some meals for us to freeze! She helped with cleaning, laundry, etc. and was there to give us a hand with changing diapers, dealing with spit up:) and all the other baby related things that Nate and I are pretty clueless about. Darryl mowed our lawn and ran errands and they pretty much just did everything we could need! Everyone has been helpful...we have friends bringing us meals, my parents of course have brought food, run random errands for random items that we need, etc. We feel so blessed to have so many people around to help.

Andrew and his Omi (Nate's mom)

Danny and Tom stopped by and gave Nate a nice gift, which he is cradling like a baby:) They even got me a gift certificate to Z-salon and spa...how thoughtful are those two? Drew is lucky to have "uncles" like them to grow up with.

Isn't Tom a natural...such a sweet picture!

Our new family!
So far Andrew is the sweetest baby! I know...knock on wood, all infants are docile and calm at first, right? I'm going to pray this lasts though! The last 2 nights he's only woken up once for a feeding around 2 or 2:30 and then Nate swaddles him and he's out like a light until 7am! I really think the swaddling is the key here while he's this little. The first few nights if he broke out of the swaddle, his little hands would wake him up but once he's tucked in there (I call it the baby burrito look) he is gone until I wake him up to eat. The only time he cries is when he's getting changed but who can blame him? That doesn't seem like fun! I keep thinking something will set him off soon, like if he spits up on himself or gets startled or something but he is just very chilled out for now. And he does well with all the noise and chaos that has been our house for the last few days. We've had music/radio, people talking, doors slamming, dishwasher going, etc. and he just snoozes on through. I hope to get him used to that so that he doesn't jolt awake at every noise. So far so good...I probably shouldn't jinx it! Nate and I are just in love with him and that's all that matters, crying all night or not!
One more picture for good measure...
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