That's about all I've got for pictures right now...I need to be better at taking good ones while he's awake (although they probably all look the same to everyone...I think I've always thought that about my friends' baby pics...just being honest...but it is true that when it is your own baby you see all the little changes they go through in just a couple days or a week!).
Drew is settling into a nice routine (for the most part) napping well and he wakes up once in the middle of the night to eat and if we're lucky, the next time is 6:30 am. So not cool when it's 5am! That hour and a half of sleep makes a huge difference! Also, now that he's two weeks old we feel better about taking him out of the house/to public places. This will make it easier on me that's for sure! You know it's bad when you get excited about going to Target! But I know that these first few weeks are just like that. Thank goodness it's summertime and we have gone on lots of walks in the neighborhood, plus my mom has come by a few times each week just so I can run to the grocery or somewhere. Nate and I keep saying how lucky we are to have my parents close by and his parents who are willing to drive down at the drop of a hat should we need them (and they would too!) It has sure made transitioning to life with a baby easier and we are thankful for all 4 of them!
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