He loves his "Grand-diddy"
Darryl brought a toy dog that Nate had owned when he was little and it was a hit! I love how Nate's mom has saved so many of Nate's clothes and toys. It is so sweet to see Drew get to use them.The weekend was really busy and we had several cookouts on Sunday. I took zero pictures at either one, but that is probably good because at BOTH places, Drew fell while walking/crawling and bumped his lip. Oh, there were tears and blood and it was not a pretty sight. So he had battle wounds from both parties, with a cuts on both sides to match. How he managed to repeat the injury at party # 2 I have no idea! But it was nothing a little ice cream couldn't cure.
Sitting with Dad at the Crescent Hill 4th of July Festival our neighborhood has every year. It is such a fun event with an art fair, music, food, etc. We met some friends of ours from church there (Mary and Noah and their kids) and saw my parents too. Mary and I took the boys (hers is a few months older than Drew) over to the children's music tent where they banged away on tambourines and such. It was such a cute sight and I wish I'd taken a picture. I'm not doing too well with my photo-taking lately!
But I did manage to snap one of Andrew eating the first blackberries of the season straight off the bush!
Just look at that face...what a mess!
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