Monday, August 22, 2011

Pictures and 15 months

This has been SUCH a busy month for us. We've gone out of town, been soaking up the awesome weather outside, and I've started back part-part time at school, working Tuesdays and a half day on Thursdays, and doing a lot of planning for it all from home. I'm grateful my principal has given me these opportunities but MAN is it hard to work with a wild and crazy one year old running around. So I don't, at least while he's awake:) Naptime is a blessing, right? I'm so thankful to still get to work with high school students and be home to take care of Drew. He's at such a fun age right now and I'm trying to remember all the funny and of course cute things he says and does. Therefore, this post is more for my own memory than anything just in case I find myself somewhere down the road missing these sweet days with my little boy (because he's growing fast!).
First, all the cliches are true! He is changing every day and I can hardly remember when he was a little baby. He is into everything, and is all boy in his personality. Examples: his fascination with both snakes and trucks. We go running in the park (well, I run and he rides) each morning and every time we see a truck, whether it's driving by, working on some trees in the park (we had a huge storm so trees are down), or some power machine like a bulldozer or whatever, Drew gets so excited and points "Dah???" he asks which translates to "What's that cool thing over there, Mom?"
We took him hiking Saturday and low and behold there was a snake (the very kind he sees in his books of animals! Imagine that!) right in our path.
"SSSSS" is one of his favorite sounds right now so he was pretty happy to see this snake (I was not as much...)
Drew also loves to be outside and will say "side!" or "Si" to go out and play. I certainly can't turn my back for a second though but it is fun to watch him run around (and let's face it, I'm running too because he's fast) and get into everything in sight. He likes Nate to "chase" him and I think that's what is happening in this picture:
Aren't they cute?
The past couple Saturdays we've gone hiking as well.
We've also gone to the zoo where the elephants and bears are a big hit!
 At almost 15 months, he is the happiest little guy:) Some more stats for  my own memory:
  • Sleep: At night from 7:30-7:30 (awesome!) Naps for about 2.5 to 3 hours in the afternoon (we just dropped the morning nap and he did great with the long afternoon one)
  • Eating: Will eat almost anything, but not veggies unless I sneak them into other food (good preparation for the years to come I suppose). Likes to have a "snack" which is basically crackers or toddler cookies when we are out running errands/at the grocery store. It is the only way I can keep him from climbing all over and out of the cart!
  • Favorite toy right now is his lawnmower which he pushes everywhere in the house. He also loves books (yay!) and is figuring out blocks and leggos (the big kind).   Has no real interest in TV if it is on (which I'm glad about).
  • Games: He tries to pay hide-and-seek with me or Nate which is cute, and of course he likes to run away when Nate chases him outside
  • He communicates through signs sometimes and tries to say words others. He signs: milk, all done, more, thirsty, hungry, yes and no but says "yeah" for "yes" which is pretty cute. 
  • Words: "sss" for outside or snack (or snake!), "mmm" for milk, mama, dada, d-d-d- for dog and is attempting other ones (b for bath, etc.)
  • He loves to swing (we put up a little toddler swing in the front yard) and watch me water the flowers (and spray his toes with the water) or, even better, to watch Nate mow the lawn. So easy to entertain him right now!
I can't believe how much I can love one person. And I can't believe he'll be 15 months old soon...I am just trying to enjoy this age, even with its challenges because I know there will be a time where he won't come sit in my lap and ask me to read him a book. Or when he won't smile at me when I come in to wake him up in the morning (probably the opposite!). Or when he won't throw his arms around me when I ask for a hug. Or when he might want nothing to do with me at all as opposed to wanting me or Nate to always play with him. For now, though, he does all those and I'm loving it!

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