Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life lately...

In no particular order...here's what was on the camera...First, Laura and I went to Nashville to help Erin register for baby stuff. Sadly, this is the only picture I got, taken by Laura who probably didn't want to be in any pictures because she was so bleary-eyed from looking at baby stuff nonstop. Actually, I think we were all done by that point! 

At our friends' Justin and Julie's wedding...it's not every day Nate and Tom appear in a suit so documentation is a must!

As usual, I can always count on my  iPhone for a quality picture:( It was a fun night out...the reception was at the Muhammad Ali Center and had some great panoramic views of Louisville. Good times with good friends!

We woke up early and went for a hike...Drew and Nate are looking at Louisville way in the distance there.

He was pretending to talk to Omi on the phone:) I'm not sure what they were talking about but I'm sure he was telling her how much he  missed her!

Our daily routine lately is to run in the park and take a break at the playground. It was been unseasonably warm here lately (no complaints!) so Drew has enjoyed lots of outside play. I absolutely love these days that I get to spend with him. He is at such a sweet and fun age and I find myself wishing he could just stay this way forever!

Our little dinosaur on Halloween.

Most trick or treating attempts ended badly for nearby pumpkins. A certain 1 year old thinks they are bowling balls that need to be tossed as far away as possible just for fun. Luckily our neighbors were understanding:)

He finally sat still for all of two seconds and I got a picture. 

Another night we went out to dinner with friends we  haven't seen in awhile.

me, Gina and Katie
Paul, Isaac and Nate
Beautiful fall weather = playing in the leaves!

He loved watching Nate rake and every once in awhile would pick up one leaf and drop it in the trash can. So helpful!

Taking a break to go for a wagon ride.

Pure cuteness!

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