Our sweet little girl was born on July 4th at 5:01 PM...she weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She certainly made a slightly dramatic entrance into the world as well! At my 39 week checkup on July 3rd, she had turned completely around (the exact same thing Andrew did at 38 weeks) and my doctor wanted me to be induced the next day, since I was already 4cm dilated and pretty much having strong contractions all that day and the day before. So we had the rest of the day to prepare for our hospital trip Wednesday, which included lots of phone calls, running around, packing bags, etc.
I had wanted very much to do a natural childbirth (without the epidural, as that had had some negative effects on me when I had Andrew). My doctor met us at the hospital the next morning and did a version (just like with Andrew...she turned her around by pushing on my stomach...not fun! But it worked!). I was then in full on labor for the next 6 hours and let me just say that I don't know how women in the past have gone through that multiple times! It was rough... but luckily I was progressing through labor pretty quickly and knew the end of it was in sight.
Unfortunately, right when I was ready to deliver Harper, my doctor realized that her arm was up by her head (dangerous to deliver that way). She made a quick decision to deliver via emergency c-section. I was pretty disappointed as this was about the complete opposite of the type of birth I wanted to have but I certainly wanted to do whatever was best for Harper.
Nate suited up and met us in the OR...It all happened pretty fast but before we knew it we heard our little girl crying and I got to see her briefly before they gave her a bath, checked her stats, etc. She scored 9 on the APGAR scale and was healthy so we were relieved!
This is the first picture Nate took of me holding her right after she was born. She snuggled up right away! |
I love this picture...so sweet! |
And now...for the family shots:
Granna and Harper |
Omi and Harper |
Opaw holding his first granddaughter |
We were so glad Kelsey could drive up and meet her too! |
First picture of the 3 of us...Drew didn't come to the hospital because he was sick:( |
Proud grandparents! |
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