My mom also had her "30th" birthday in July (okay, well she doesn't look more than 30!). Her friend Marcia had us all over for dinner to celebrate.

Here's Nate and me at dinner also.

In August my dad had his 60th birthday! Now he doesn't look a day over 30 either but this was a milestone to celebrate! Nate and I got to have everyone over to our house for the first time. I figured it was only fitting since my dad did SO much work on this house that he gets to enjoy it now with us. Here's my parents, grandparents, and Erin and Mark who drove up from Nashville.

Meanwhile, here's Nate, Laura and Josh eating dessert. It's rare that we have everyone together at the same time so this was a fun night!

Paige came to Louisville for a visit! Erin and I have known Paige since 2nd or 3rd grade and now that she lives in Denver we hardly ever get to see her! I'm so glad she and her husband stopped by and we all walked up to the St. Joseph's picnic on Frankfort Avenue. It's an experience, that's for sure. If you've never gone, get ready to be claustrophobic because it is PACKED with people, but still fun!
Now Nate's parents came for a visit the first week of July to help us with the house. I am so mad because the pictures I took of their visit (along with all my others over the years) were on our computer (which crashed). Nate said he'll eventually be able to get them off though so I'll put them up whenever he gets around to that. They were so helpful though! Nate and his dad tiled the kitchen floor, which is no easy task, and made numerous trips to Home Depot with us. Dee Dee and I cleaned off the screened in porch/sunroom (which I need a picture of I guess) and that was an all day task. The lady who lived here previously had cats...and the porch was their litter box. I think you can visualize that now! We also went out to eat to the best pizza in Louisville...Impellizari's. Sometime I'll put up those pictures!
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