Well, this week in August marks the last week of my summer off at least. For most people, summer continues on until sometime in mid September, but for me it officially ends this week. School starts Wed. and while I am ready to head back, this summer seemed exceptionally short for some reason! Probably because school didn't let out until mid June! But I can't complain. Most people don't get that many weeks off... So naturally I tried to cram in as much stuff as I could this week in a desperate attempt to make summer last as long as possible! Here's me and 5 of the girls I teach with at Cheddar's. From left to right around the table, Annie, Norah, Heather, Noel, me, and Suzanne. They do help me maintain my sanity among the insane halls of a high school!

Every few months (although it should be more often) all of us girls who were friends in high school (and still are) try to get together for dinner. Ramsis is usually the best place for this! Annie has added Brooks to the picture and Rachel will soon be adding a little one of her own! From left to right here's Annie, Rachel holding Brooks, me, Jess and Jill.

Brooks was just so cute I had to take a picture of him with Rachel and Annie...he was so well behaved too!

Nate's and my summer would not be complete without a trip (or two or five) to Green River Lake. This was the view from where I was laying out...Nate tossing a stick and Sadie swimming an absurd distance to fetch it. We try to wear her out as much as possible. This dog LOVES the lake. When she sees us get the beach towels and cooler out she knows what's in store for the day.
Molly and Zach met us there also with the all important task of getting their new puppy Lily Belle used to the water. Zach had no need to worry...that dog was in the lake in two seconds! She is clearly a water dog just like her friend Sadie (okay, I'll stop personifying the dogs!).
Molly and me relaxing on the rocks...this was before the rednecks showed up. We saw some amazing mullets though! Green River Lake is a great place but it is true...central KY brings out the best of our state. Kind of like the KY state fair...which is a whole other story and will be posted on in a week after we go!
Sadie and Lily hanging out in the grass.
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