Well here it is January 1st, 2009 and I can't believe I'm actually awake and downloading pictures. I'm really waiting for Nate to wake up so that we can hike today. Usually we go away to a cabin/state park on New Year's Eve but this year was so busy that we didn't get to do that so we are heading out for a hike in this cold weather! Last night before we went to sleep he said, "Let's make sure to get up at like 7:30 so we have all day." It is now heading towards 9:30....hmmm. So although we didn't get a quiet night away we got a crazy night with friends and even family. We started out at my aunt's house where she and her husband had a party because all four of my dad's sisters were in town. Pictured above are Betsy, Ann, Judy, me, Laura and Debbie. All we were missing are Erin and my cousin Dana for a complete picture.

Me and Laura

After my aunt's house it was on to Justin's...Tom and Nate are already tired of me taking their picture!

Molly and I don't mind being in our own picture!

Sarah, me, Molly, Steph and some guy's jacket....this is usually what happens when I ask Nate to take a picture.

Karaoke plus Molly equals a scene from American Idol...And no, Zach is not actually singing because I'm pretty sure he's laughing too hard.

What's a party without a little Rock Band?

Tom was clearly excited to ring in 2009

Steph and I are too! Happy new year to everyone...
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