We finally got some snow in Louisville....a whole 2 inches! And although I already had Monday off for MLK Day, it was still kind of like a snow day because, let's face it, who really wants to go to work on Monday? Nate and I took off to Jefferson Memorial Forest and hiked for the afternoon.

Sadie becomes airborne in the snow....she gets so hyper!

It was so cold and I felt like the kid from the Christmas Story movie, barely able to move in my multiple layers! Have I mentioned that I am ready for spring? Bring on the warmer weather please!

And while this picture was taken last week, I had to say a word about these girls whom I love so much! Kate, Tori and Gina...we all four have dinner every other week and it's so good to have some quality time with them. I realize that after college (yes, it's been a few years) it is so difficult to find community like that again. I've known all 3 of them since we were Milliganites in Tennessee and am so blessed by their friendships. Katie (far left) was one of my roomates my senior year and taught me most everything I know about cooking (she is amazing at whatever she makes) and as a teacher, we can bond over our emotional exhaustion at the end of our work day. Tori (middle) graduated a few years behind me and Gina introduced us several years ago. Tori is so fun and always up for doing anything...she is patient too....after I took this picture, she tried to teach me how to do my hair which has been stick straight and pretty much the same length/style since high school...Sadly, at the age of 27 I still can't operate a curling iron, which is a skill I guess I should've learned by now. Nate walked in the door and asked if we were having a slumber party and when we would be painting our nails. And Gina has been a good friend since my freshman year of college. She is always encouraging and just understanding, what better way can I describe it? So in conclusion, I love our Thursday night dinners! I don't know if they read this blog or not but I hope they each know how much I value their friendships.
Also, I have a prayer request...a friend of mine from high school, (Mary Julia's) brother Patrick was in the hospital this week getting some tests done and they found out that he has lymphoma, so please pray for him and his wife as they go through this time. He is in his early twenties, so this is pretty unexpected... I can't imagine what they must be feeling and also his entire family (the Garcia's for those of you who know them...and probably already know about this). Thank you!
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