Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pregnancy update!

Like I said before, I won't overpost on the baby-bump shots here but I do want to remember a few of the milestones! I'm 26 1/2 weeks here (yes, I'm counting that half...) and just 1 more week till I am officially in the 3rd trimester! Now that sounds scary! Where did the time go? I still have so much to do! Can I just confess here that I have not purchased one single baby item? Not that my mom and Nate's mom haven't...they will more than make up for my negligence:)

A few of the details before I forget:
  • He weighs 1 1/2 pounds.
  • He has been kicking like crazy the last few weeks. Sometimes I can see my stomach move which is kind of weird but fun at the same time.
  • A few nights ago Nate finally felt the real kicks for the first time. Right in my side...I think his little foot was practically in Nate's palm! Crazy! We might have a soccer player on our hands (but doesn't every pregnant woman think that?...)
  • I had my gestational diabetes test at my last doctor's appointment....which of course I've worried about since I do have a thing for Dairy Queen blizzards, but I passed! Yay!
  • I've gained 10 pounds so far....and no matter what anyone tells you it is still a bit disconcerting to see that scale climb each week. Let's just be honest there. But I know it's supposed to happen when you're growing a human:)
  • Running has been a bit more uncomfortable lately...Some days I feel like I've strapped a 10 pound weight to my stomach area and it is simultaneously pushing on my intestines and bladder with each step I run! Other days though, I feel perfectly fine. I guess it depends on whichever position our little guy is in! I've got to get him used to the running though because hopefully he'll be a champ about riding in the jogging stroller this summer!
That's all I can think of for now; really, I've had a fairly easy pregnancy and have no complaints! I know that the last couple months that might change though. But any and all pregnancy issues seem worth it in the end...I am so excited to meet our little boy! Can these next 3 months just fly by?


Becky said...

Alison- you are so cute! I can't believe your soon in your 3rd trimester already. I hope it's as easy as the rest of the time has been. Thanks for posting all this. I'm taking notes...
Call me sometime!

Molly Nelson said...

I can't wait to meet baby Drew! I just can't wait! As for your 10 pounds...nevermind:).


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