This past weekend was Erin and Mark's wedding in Nashville so get ready for lots of pictures. As usual, I took WAY too many and probably posted too many but I don't want to forget it all!

Thursday night began with Erin's bachelorette party/shower...Nothing too crazy though. She got plenty of cute pajamas!

LeighAnn and Laura

Some of the Nashville girls who threw the shower.

Friday night was the rehearsal...and here are Erin and Mark rehearsing!

Dinner at Monell's afterwards....Nate and Erin waiting to eat the amazing food. Monell's is this cute family-style restaurant in an old brick house-type building. Basically big dining rooms with fireplaces and huge tables...very nice!

Erin, Laura and me at the rehearsal dinner.

Erin greeting a few of the guests as they arrived.

Me, Mary and Erin on the patio before dinner...trying not to freeze as it was a bit cool out.

Mary brought Angelina, her 6-week old little girl!

Laura and Josh at dinner

I believe in this photo Monique was exclaiming "I have arrived back in the South!" after a plate of fried chicken arrived in front of her:)

After the dinner, the girls went back to Erin's place for another shower (for those who weren't there Thursday).

Heather, Monique, Leigh Ann and Mary

Jessica, Erin's friend whom she went to college with

The wedding day: Monique doing Erin's makeup

And Leigh Ann and Erin in the bridal dressing room

My big pregnant self zipping up my super-skinny sister:)

So beautiful!

...the suit only comes out every so often so documentation is a must!

Mary and me and precious Angelina...I have to admit that when Mary told me she was driving down by herself with a 6-week old baby I thought she was in for a stressful weekend (and that maybe, sharing a hotel room with her I would probably be getting ready for what awaits me in a couple months here!) but this baby did not cry ONCE! I'm not even kidding...she was the most laid back, serene baby I have ever seen!

After the wedding, our entire family with all of the "husbands"....although technically Josh is not Laura's husband until May! That's right...another wedding in less than 2 months! Crazy!

Laura and Josh with 2 couples my parents have been friends with for years. They drove up Friday and helped with SO much at the wedding! Gail and Vicky (along with my mom) did the flowers (bridal bouquets and all the decorations...wears me out just thinking about it) and John and Dave helped with everything else needed for setting up and cleaning up. We couldn't have done it without them!

Mark and Erin cutting the cake

Mark, Nate and Ash at the reception

So I realize that I've posted probably too many pictures! Oh well! Overall, the weekend was SO much fun...I got to spend time with my sisters and old friends and family and was so happy to see Erin so happy. Everything went perfectly with the glitches at all really! I still cannot believe she planned it all in 2 1/2 months! She and Mark are living it up in California this weekend on their honeymoon!
1 comment:
You looked GREAT! Your belly looks adorable, but you couldn't tell you were pregnant in any other photo! You should be a model for a maternity line :). Beautiful photos - congrats to your sister!
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