Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A visit from Erin and Leena

 Erin and Leena came up for several days this week to visit Louisville! I was so glad to get to hold my sweet little niece again (it's been over 4 weeks and babies change so much so quickly).

 Aunt Laura came for the party too...Drew was mildly obsessed with "Lee-La" as he called his cousin and wanted to grab her feet and "pat-pat" gently on her constantly. To say it was a little chaotic at my parents house this week is an understatement and I feel as if I got somewhat of a preview of what life will be like for us in a few short months. Ahhhh!

Luckily, Drew was not jealous at all when anyone (including me) held Leena. He just wanted to hold her too which was a little tricky but we managed.
 Sweet picture with her mama:)

 We did a little baby photo shoot as well and although she cried through most of them a few came out alright. Photographing babies is tough!

Classic...I think this is how she felt through 90 percent of the photos I took!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend we headed north to Ohio to visit Omi and Opaw. We did plenty of fun things, like reading...

Getting turned upside down by Dad...

Throwing the ball around the yard...

Aunt Kelsey came to hang out too!

What trip to a grandparent's house is complete without a ride on the lawnmower?

Easter morning the bunny left a jelly bean trail and a goodie bag for Andrew

And our attempt at an Easter photo with Nate didn't quite pan out!

But he was all smiles with Opaw!

Love this picture!

First family photo shot in some time!

We did an egg hunt later that afternoon when the sun came out.

The Easter Bunny left eggs that were shaped like bugs and snakes...pretty cool!

We had a great weekend visiting with Nate's family and enjoyed getting to see Darryl preach at church on Sunday too. We ate a lot of good food (as usual), hiked a little bit, played in the park, and just enjoyed catching up with everyone.  Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Playing in the park

Omi came for a weekend visit (she's awesome like that) and we headed to the park to play.

Huggin a tree:)

Omi was good at trying to keep him somewhat coralled with all that free space to run in!

And there were fun things to discover like holes in trees!

And sometimes you just want to run in an open field...

Getting pushed on the swing by Dad

Unrelated picture...but he's turning out to be quite a ham these days!


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