Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer pictures from the iphone!

My old cell phone, circa 2005 finally broke. It was in bad shape and I was secretly glad when it bit the dust. Nate and I decided to leap into the 21st century and get an iphone. Now I'm wondering how I ever lived without's like having your computer, phone, camera and ipod all in one place. Here are a bunch of pictures from the past couple weeks I took with the phone (much easier than getting  my camera out or trying to remember to bring it somewhere in the first place!)
Eating ice cream at the pie kitchen with Granna and Grandpop

Playground/splash park--his favorite thing to do is walk up the slide
Pool day! He's a water baby, that's for sure!
Looking good in his shades:)
At the zoo with his friends Hannah and Charlotte...I taught English with both their moms, Annie and Dana, at South Oldham until we had kids.
Baby pool in the backyard--cheap entertainment!
This picture was taken at my parents' house--Drew is riding "Sugarfoot," our old rocking horse. He's in rough shape but still works!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Splash Park

 Part of the 21st Century Parks initiative in Louisville is the expansion of a bike path, hiking trails, playgrounds, etc. in the parks all around Louisville (and new ones too). One of the first splash parks in this project opened up last week and we took Andrew there this weekend to cool off.
 Nate got right in there with him. Although Drew is mostly walking, we kept close by when he walked on pavement. We are officially chasing after him quite a bit now.
And he loves the water as usual!

What a fun Weekend!

What a busy weekend it's been but so much fun. Erin and Mark came up from Nashville so Mark could do the trial "run" of the Louisville Ironman that he'll be doing in August. Since I knew they'd be in town, Erin, Laura and I plotted and planned a surprise 60th birthday party for my mom.
We gathered friends and family at our house and I told my mom to come over to cook out Saturday night. She kept trying to come over early so I sent her to the store to pick up some milk for Andrew to stall her a bit.
See? She's even got that grocery bag in her hand as she walked in to a houseful of people!
 Vicky, Gail and me lighting 60 candles on  her cakes (make that mom removed one as she wasn't technically 60 yet and felt we were pushing her into the next decade a bit too soon)
Holding their boys
 Granna, can I please play with that crazy birthday hat?
 Me, my mom and Laura with our Aunt Shara and Uncle Kenny
 Porch dining!
The brothers-in-law on the patio. Thanks Josh and Nate for grilling 30 burgers!
Drew was attached to her all night! 
So even though my mom's 60th isn't for another week, we had a great time with everyone celebrating early. Happy early birthday Mom!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 4th!

 Our 4th of July started with 2 visitors...Nate's dad and Grandma stopped by for a few hours and got their Andrew fix!
 He loves his "Grand-diddy"
Darryl brought a toy dog that Nate had owned when he was little and it was a hit! I love how Nate's mom has saved so many of Nate's clothes and toys. It is so sweet to see Drew get to use them.
 The weekend was really busy and we had several cookouts on Sunday. I took zero pictures at either one, but that is probably good because at BOTH places, Drew fell while walking/crawling and bumped his lip. Oh, there were tears and blood and it was not a pretty sight. So he had battle wounds from both parties, with a cuts on both sides to match. How he managed to repeat the injury at party # 2 I have no idea! But it was nothing a little ice cream couldn't cure.
 Sitting with Dad at the Crescent Hill 4th of July Festival our neighborhood has every year. It is such a fun event with an art fair, music, food, etc.  We met some friends of ours from church there (Mary and Noah and their kids) and saw my parents too. Mary and I took the boys (hers is a few months older than Drew) over to the children's music tent where they banged away on tambourines and such. It was such a cute sight and I wish I'd taken a picture. I'm  not doing too well with my  photo-taking lately!
 But I did manage to snap one of Andrew eating the first blackberries of the season straight off the bush!
Just look at that face...what a  mess!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Weekend visitor

Nate's mom was able to stop by this weekend for a very short but much appreciated visit.
 Look at that smile! He loves his Omi!

We ate outside at Impellizerri's Pizza. Drew officially loves pizza and breadsticks surprise there!
Here is a short video I took of Drew trying to walk. He's got about 5 to 10 steps down but isn't completely there yet! Something tells me that I really won't be able to keep up with him once he starts walking though!


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