Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week in Review...

Look who came to visit!

And Opaw came too!

We went to the park and climbed trees

And Omi helped Andrew climb everywhere!

We headed to the farmer's market and bought our pumpkin a pumpkin of his own.
There was lots of snuggling on the couch reading books.

And some walking on Bardstown Road while waiting for pizza too
And Saturday morning I headed to my friend Heather's baby shower while Nate's parents got to spend some time with Drew. Here are me, Heather, Jill and Mary...3 of my oldest friends (since middle school!)

Mary and I also got to stop by and see Amanda and her daughter EmmyLou. Isn't she the cutest thing ever? Those eyes are beautiful! It was a fun fallish weekend and as most weekends do, went by too quickly!

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